Prophecy Update #749 - Climate Is Cirrus Business
There’s a new King in town, and he’s gunnin’ for climate change.
The Bible is 25% prophecy. It has been 100% accurate. We are futurists when it comes to the 300 to 500 prophecies that remain. They will be fulfilled in the future in a physical, literal, global, apocalyptic context.
It makes sense that mankind would be moving in the direction that the prophecies predict. For example, in the Book of the Revelation, we are told that there will be a global economic system that will be accessed by some kind of ‘mark’ in you or on you. Looking around, we see multiple technologies that could - and I emphasize could - end up being the fulfillment of the prophecy.
Biometrics, Artificial Intelligence, cashless commerce, the manipulation of human DNA, global government, the exponential growth of human knowledge, and the rebirth of national Israel are End Times phenomena the Bible predicts. All of these are increasingly trending in the news.
I always give two disclaimers:
We are careful to use recognized, reliable sources for news. Sensationalism about the future is detrimental.
We’re not saying the things we report are the fulfillment of prophecy. We’re saying that they are the things you’d expect to be happening in the build-up to the future Great Tribulation.
Prophecy teachers point out that in the future Great Tribulation there will be a one-world government. A cleaner, more accurate way to put it is that we will have global government. Individual sovereign nations will surrender their sovereignty to a governing body, which later will be dominated by the global dictator we commonly call the antichrist.
Historically it has been difficult to see how globalism might take hold. Not anymore. One word describes the possible catalyst for globalism: Climate.
One more disclaimer. I am not talking about the scientific evidence, or the lack of it, for climate change. I am looking at climate, real or not, as the impetus for globalism.
There’s a new King in town, and he’s gunnin’ for climate change. posted an article titled, King Charles III launches ‘climate clock’ that tells what to do and by when.
The Climate Clock counts down to 2030, the year the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claims is the deadline to hold global warming at 1.5 degrees.
“Today with His Majesty King Charles III we launched the Climate Clock, a visual reminder of the urgency of the climate crisis,” said Nick Henry, CEO and Founder of Climate Action.
He continued, “The climate emergency poses a threat not only to the future of our city but to the future of our world and that is why it must remain a key priority.”1
Not to be outdone by the British, US Climate Envoy John Kerry said, “President Joe Biden is considering announcing a climate emergency.”
He said Biden was prepared to use “every tool available to him” to tackle climate change, including executive orders.”2
Another article, this one on - Biden backs plan to BLOCK sunlight from the Earth in bid to limit global warming.
The White House has opened the door to an audacious plan to block sunlight from hitting the surface of the Earth in a bid to halt.
Despite some scientists warning the effort could have untold side effects from altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, President Biden’s administration have admitted they’re open to the idea, which has never been attempted before.
In a release by the White House, officials suggested limiting sunlight to rapidly cool the planet, a process known as solar radiation modification (SRM).
The report noted several ways authorities could look to achieve SRM, all of which come with potentially devastating consequences if they backfire:
One method would be to significantly increase the amount of aerosols in the stratosphere, which would reflect the sun’s rays from the planet.
Other ideas floated included increasing cloud coverage over oceans, or reducing the amount of cirrus cloud formations, which reflect solar radiation back to the Earth.
The report noted that undertaking the mammoth task could have severe ramifications weather patterns and food supplies, which would in turn impact biodiversity, geopolitics, and health.
It also suggested that committing to the idea then backtracking and changing course could lead to abrupt warming as the suns rays suddenly heat the Earth once more.3
A quote from the organization, Smart Green Post: “A little over seven years. That’s what we have left to stop climate change and reduce CO2 emissions before it reaches a point of no return. Saving the planet is a duty of each of us, no one excluded.”
Citizens, corporations, and countries are jumping on the climate issue. There is little debate. You either want to save the planet, or you don’t. Obviously, all the nations of the world must get on board.
We are witnessing the stage-setting for the seven year Time of Jacob’s Trouble, the Great Tribulation, that is described in the last book of the Bible.
We will not be on Earth during that terrible Time of Jacob’s Trouble. The resurrection and rapture of the church are imminent. It could happen any moment; nothing needs to happen before it.
Jesus will come, in the clouds, and raise the dead believers of the Church Age. He will transform the bodies of living believers to glorified, resurrection bodies.
We will join Him in Heaven while the earth endures one final seven-year campaign of severe evangelism.
Are you ready for the rapture? If not, Get ready; Stay ready; Keep looking up.
Ready or not, Jesus is coming!