Prophecy Update #744 - WHO Wants To Be First
Certain powerful people are trying to rush global government along. They say it is for our own good that we surrender national sovereignty.
Christians are encouraged to look for to “the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13). We are encouraged to look forward to tomorrow, living with the awareness Jesus could come today.
One of the ways we look forward to tomorrow is to consider the hundreds of unfulfilled prophecies in the Bible. We can expect the world to be moving in the direction predicted for the End Times.
We reserve a few minutes Sunday morning to suggest news, or trends, that seem to be predicted by our futurist reading of the Bible.
To avoid sensationalism, we are careful to use recognized, reliable sources for news.
We’re not saying the things we report are the fulfillment of prophecy. We’re saying that they are the things you’d expect to be happening in the build- up to the future seven year Great Tribulation.
The Bible describes the future government of the Earth to be global. Global government, global economy, with power residing in one coalition of nations, then in one man - the antichrist.
Certain powerful people are trying to rush global government along. They say it is for our own good that we surrender national sovereignty.
Case in point: I read an article titled, Largely Unnoticed, WHO Moves Forward With Global Governance Plan.
Former congresswoman Michele Bachmann sounded the alarm Monday about developments coming out of the World Health Assembly that suggest that the World Health Organization (WHO) is intent on establishing “a platform for global governance through health care” in the wake of the COVID pandemic.
Observers are also pointing out that the Biden administration is working to enable the organization to “centralize authority not just for pandemics, but for any health emergency in the hands of the director-general.”
“There’s a dual track process that they're following,” Bachman explained. “One is through a global pandemic treaty that they're calling an accord.’ The second is through a package of about 300 amendments to the international health rules. Both lead to the same result. Both lead to the creation of a platform for global governance through health care. And it is a web that locks us in ... the likes of which we’ve never seen before.”
Bachmann then laid out the WHO’s plans going forward. “One year from this week, they will take a vote. And so they intend to vote for a platform for global government and to give themselves the power that no one has ever seen before.”
“I heard from Secretary Xavier Becerra, the head of our Health and Human Services [who] said he wants more ‘bio surveillance,’ in other words, surveillance of our bodies. And then they want to share that data with everyone else in the world. This is highly invasive. They were very clear today. They want very bold language. They intend to have surveillance over every citizen on earth, and they intend to control us through health care.”
“They've got this concept they talked about today called ‘One Health.’ They’ve got graphics on it that show humans, animals, the Earth - ‘One Health.’ So when decisions are made about health care, they have to take into account the Earth and what the impact would be on climate change.
At the same time, she underscored, the WHO's emphasis seems to be on "equity" rather than innovations in medicine.
“The number one word that they use besides 'urgent' was ‘equity.’ They want to have equal outcomes for everyone on earth with universal health care. And for those countries that are producing health products, they need to produce more health products and give them away to the world.”1
We are witnessing the stage-setting for the seven year Time of Jacob’s Trouble, the Great Tribulation, that is described in the last book of the Bible.
We will not be on Earth during that terrible Time of Jacob’s Trouble. The resurrection and rapture of the church are imminent. It could happen any moment; nothing needs to happen before it.
Jesus will come, in the clouds, and raise the dead believers of the Church Age. He will transform the bodies of living believers to glorified, resurrection bodies.
We will join Him in Heaven while the earth endures one final seven-year campaign of severe evangelism.
Are you ready for the rapture? If not, Get ready; Stay ready; Keep looking up.
Ready or not, Jesus is coming!