Prophecy Update #758 - O, Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
The current conflict in Israel reminds us that we can expect wars and rumors of wars in the Holy Land.
The Bible is estimated to be 25% to 35% prophecy. Its very specific prophecies
have thus far been 100% accurate.
There is much Bible prophecy that is yet unfulfilled. For example, beginning in chapter four, everything in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is future to us. That is why we are called futurists. We believe that these yet-to-be-fulfilled prophecies will be fulfilled in a physical, literal, global, apocalyptic context.
It makes sense that the world would be moving in the direction that the prophecies predict. Here is a list of a few signs or trends that we follow:
The reemergence of Israel as a nation (Isaiah 66:8).
International conflict over Israel (Zechariah12:3).
The alignment of hostile nations against Israel (Ezekiel 38).
The efforts of Israel to rebuild their Temple (Matthew 24:15).
Growing apostasy in the Church (Second Timothy 3:1-9).
Instantaneous global communication (Revelation 11:4).
The move towards a global government (Revelation 13).
The move towards a global cashless society, accessed by a personal identifier (Revelation 13).
An exponential leap in human knowledge (Daniel 12:4).
All of those are trending as never before.
I always give two disclaimers:
We are careful to use recognized, reliable sources for news. Sensationalism about the future is detrimental.
We’re not saying the things we report are the fulfillment of prophecy. We’re saying that they are the things you’d expect to be happening in the build-up to the future Great Tribulation.
You are undoubtedly aware that Hamas launched an unprecedented, multi-front attack on Israel, firing thousands of rockets as dozens of Hamas fighters infiltrated the heavily fortified border in several locations and catching the country off-guard on a major holiday. Founded in 1988 as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas is called “the militant rulers of the Gaza Strip.” They set two long-term goals, articulated in its charter:
The end to the Jewish state.
The creation of an Islamic state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.
I found this eye witness account:
From Avner and Rachel Boskey in Israel The surprise attack on the morning of October 7 by Islamist terrorists from Hamas and Islamic Jihad has brought forth its demonic fruit - the slaughter of at least 250 Israelis, the wounding of over a thousand Jewish people, and the kidnapping to Gazan underground tunnels and prisons of hundreds more citizens of the Jewish state. These crimes were met with rejoicing among the bestial mobs of Gaza. Golden-ager Jewish women were shot at point blank range by jihadi terror squads, as were their daughters and grandchildren. Bodies of young women and soldiers were dragged across public squares and stomped on by mobs screaming out ‘Allahu akbar’ - ‘Allah is greater.’ Teenaged girls were hauled by their hair past violent crowds, while candies and sweet pastries were distributed to the Gazan bystanders in celebration of this ‘uncircumcised victory.’
Thomas Ice asks & answers, “Is the current state of Israel a work of God as predicted in Bible prophecy or is it merely an accident of history? I believe that modern Israel is a Divine work and is in the process of fulfilling Bible prophecy. I believe that Israel, as she is constituted today, is a work of God in progress preparing the nation for the Tribulation, which will lead to her national conversion, the Second Coming of Christ and His millennial reign.”
I mentioned a moment ago that we can expect the reemergence of Israel as a nation, international conflict over Israel, and an alignment of hostile nations against Israel. As far as the current conflict, it reminds us that we can expect wars and rumors of wars in the Holy Land.
I mentioned we are futurists. We are also premillennial and pretribulational:
Premillennial means that Jesus will return to Earth to establish a physical one thousand year kingdom.
Pretribulation means that Jesus will remove His Church from the Earth before the Great Tribulation that precedes His return as king.
Jesus promised His Church, “I… will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth” (Revelation 3:10).
He keeps us entirely out of those 7yrs by raising deceased Church Age saints, then rapturing “we who are alive and remain.”
When? The return of the Lord for us is imminent. It could happen any time. Nothing needs to occur before Jesus can come for us.
Are you ready for the rapture? If not, Get ready; Stay ready; Keep looking up.
Ready or not, Jesus is coming!